Fostering Connections Resource Center

The Fostering Connections Resource Center gratefully acknowledges the National Conference of State Legislatures for sharing its tracking information about pending and enacted legislation. Please visit NCSL for additional information.

Pending Older Youth Legislation in Alaska

Education of Children in Foster Care, Independent Living Skills Training

Bill: HB 126; Status: Pending-Carryover

Summary: Ensures the continued education of a child in out of home placement in their school of origin. Relates to tuition waivers, loans, and medical assistance for a child placed in out-of-home care by the state. Establishes that the state design a program that continues independent living skills training for youth who are likely to remain in foster care until age 21.

Sponsored by Representative Gara

Foster Care Age Limit and Tuition Waiver

Bill: SB 27; Status: Pending-Carryover

Summary: States that a person who was in foster care is entitled to a waiver of undergraduate tuition and fees. Extends subsidy payments for children up to age 18 or up to age 23 if they are living in foster care at that time.

Sponsored by Senator Davis

Foster Care Age Limit and Tuition Waiver

Bill: SB 27; Status: Pending-Carryover

Summary: States that a person who was in foster care is entitled to a waiver of undergraduate tuition and fees. Extends subsidy payments for children up to age 18 or up to age 23 if they are living in foster care at that time.

Sponsored by Senator Davis